Here's the road map for future development of NanoBlogger.
Branch 3.5
This branch will focus only on merging NB-extra into NB.
Branch 4.*
This branch will start after the first release of NB-3.5.RC1 . The development will be kept separated from the trunk until the ultimate release of branch 3.* . The goal is to prepare the next HTML version and to provide a good HTML code that makes it easy to write CSS.
Branch 3.6
This branch will focus on adding a menu bar.
Branch 3.7
This branch will focus over reducing the amount of features (like TIDY or feed links)
Branch 3.8
This branch will focus over the blog.conf file. This branch could be the ultimate one.
If you really, really want to comment, please mail
Maby it's good idea to create some light and fast forum for user questions and support? I can suggest fluxbb forum ( If you need some help with administration, setup or hosting - i will help.