September 17, 2011 2:38 PM

NanoBlogger Road Map

Here's the road map for future development of NanoBlogger.

Branch 3.5

This branch will focus only on merging NB-extra into NB.

  • No addition will be brought, excepted translations;
  • Nothing will be deleted (excepted for bug fix);
  • Bugs are to be fixed. So, we keep the former numbering convention (3.5.RC1, 3.5.RCn,3.5.0, 3.5.n, ...).

Branch 4.*

This branch will start after the first release of NB-3.5.RC1 . The development will be kept separated from the trunk until the ultimate release of branch 3.* . The goal is to prepare the next HTML version and to provide a good HTML code that makes it easy to write CSS.

Branch 3.6

This branch will focus on adding a menu bar.

  • No addition will be brought, excepted for the templates (and style sheets involved by menu bar) and translations;
  • No deletion, excepted for bug fix.

Branch 3.7

This branch will focus over reducing the amount of features (like TIDY or feed links)

  • No addition, excepted translations;
  • Deletion of some features.

Branch 3.8

This branch will focus over the blog.conf file. This branch could be the ultimate one.

  • Provide an easy way of options for unique/multiple main pages;
  • Provide an easy way of options for archives pages, etc.;
  • No addition, excepted for translations;
  • No deletion, excepted for simplification of management of archive pages and bug fix.

Posted by n1xt3r | Permanent link | File under: developer-notes | Comments: (2)


2011-09-22 10:05:19 UTC

Maby it's good idea to create some light and fast forum for user questions and support? I can suggest fluxbb forum ( If you need some help with administration, setup or hosting - i will help.
2011-11-18 23:47:27 UTC
sounds really promising. Keep up the great work!

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